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Student Quick Search

I can't find any notes about who recommended this. Maybe I came up with it myself for a change! Probably not. Anyway, from the Student page in the web app, there's now a "Student ID Search" box for doing quick searches for student IDs without having to go back to the main search page. For some reason I haven't been able to get it to work in any of the demo applications, but I think pretty much everyone has it in their production application at this point. Here's what it looks like in VT:

Star for PFS

New York has had this feature for a long time, and I think we did it for some other state quite some time back as well. But recently Odilia Cofta contacted me and wanted the same functionality for Tennessee. Basically it looks like this in the web app:

Adding Report Results to a List

This feature has been in the web app since last fall, so everyone should have it now, but I've never written a blog post about it. The basic idea is that when you run a report, you can now stick all those students into a list that's available from the main search page. Here's how it works.

Copying Students from One List to Another

This started out as a request from Cristi Privado in South Carolina. She had asked for a way to duplicate a Student List in the web app. In talking through the problem she was trying to solve and looking through what functionality we had lying around, I discovered we had something that pretty much would solve the problem that had been in the app for years. The only problem was that it didn't work. When I fixed the bug and showed it to Cristi, she reported back that it looked like it would address her problem well. So here's basically how it works.

Student Log in the Web App

Some time back we introduced support for adding log entries directly to student records in the web app for Michigan. It looks like this:

Welcome Illinois and Montana!

We've got another twofer this month which clears out our onboarding pipe for the first time in I can't remember how long. Thanks to Angela, DJ, and all the crew in Montana for making this a very smooth transition. And thanks to Joanne and Beth and Gloria and the team in Illinois for hanging in there through a very thorough review process. There's still a lot of settling in to do for both states over the coming months, but I think the worst is behind us at this point.

Use Resources to Send Links to Documents

Many of you use the Resources page in the web app to share documents with other MIS2000 users. But you might not realize that you can get a link to any document in Resources and paste it into an email for other users of MIS2000. Just right click on the file you want to get a link to like so:

New Web Mass Enroll Features

Since the last post on Mass Enroll for the web app here, I've added several a couple new fields that can be used to enhance how enrollments and withdrawals are done. There's now a checkbox that controls whether the "New Grade" column is used at all. If you uncheck this box, the previous grade will be used on any new Enrollments. There's also a "New Enroll Type" dropdown that will put an enroll type on new Enrollments instead of bringing forward the enroll type on the old Enrollment. And there's a "New Residency Verification Date" that will cause new Enrollments to have this date. Here's what they all look like:

Message of the Day - Now with Colors!

We added support for a Message of the Day (or really Week, Month or Minute-and-a-Half) earlier in the year, covered in this post. But now you can have colors. Here's how they can be set up:

Welcome Utah!

Utah completes all the former MAPS states that have converted to MIS2000. As always, thanks to the Utah MEP and expecially Jeff Ojeda and Renee Medina. It won't be long before I'll have to go back to writing real blog entries.

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Student Quick Search
6/6/2022 4:23 PM | Kevin Donn
Star for PFS
5/9/2022 4:13 PM | Kevin Donn
Adding Report Results to a List
4/11/2022 3:20 PM | Kevin Donn
Copying Students from One List to Another
3/23/2022 8:49 AM | Kevin Donn
Student Log in the Web App
2/28/2022 3:33 PM | Kevin Donn
Welcome Illinois and Montana!
2/7/2022 3:14 PM | Kevin Donn
Use Resources to Send Links to Documents
1/17/2022 3:56 PM | Kevin Donn
New Web Mass Enroll Features
12/27/2021 3:20 PM | Kevin Donn
Message of the Day - Now with Colors!
12/6/2021 3:22 PM | Kevin Donn
Welcome Utah!
11/15/2021 3:05 PM | Kevin Donn
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