This is only of interest to Admin-level users in MIS2000, but it's a feature that many of you may not even know about, and we've recently made it much more robust. In the MIS2000 web app, we've long had the ability for an admin to "become" another user. This can be really useful for debugging permissions problems and for being able to see the app exactly as another user sees it. It's done by visiting the Users page, selecting a user, and pressing the "Become User" button.

In the past, it was always logged when this had been done, but there was no other indication of it; the system just behaved exactly as if that user had logged in. But now, MIS2000 will show a banner at the top of the page indicating the difference until the user logs out or becomes himself again:

And the log files will indicate on every entry that the operation being carried out is being done so in this mode. We've never had any issues with the way it worked before, but with more states beginning to use Single Sign On, we wanted to make sure the feature still works and that it's much more clear about what is going on.