I think this is one of the most requested features we've had over the years, but it's both somewhat of a power-user feature, meaning it may not be widely used, and it's pretty complicated to implement. So it has sat on the back burner for quite a while. Many of you may be familiar with Student Lists and Sharing within the MSIX application, but the MIS2000 implementation is pretty different from the MSIX one. In MSIX when you share a list with someone else, there become two copies of the list and each user can only see their own copy. Changes made to one won't happen to the other one. I wanted something richer in MIS2000, so in our system, when you share a list, whoever you share it with is seeing the same list that you see. And if one of you makes changes, you'll both see the changes.
When you share a list with someone, they can do everything you can do except change its name and delete it.
To share a list, you just click the edit button (the little pencil) like so:

Then you'll see a list of everyone you can share it with it:

Just click who you want to share it with, click "Save List Changes", and that's it. They will now be able to use your list just like you would. And they can add and remove students from it as well, so make sure you've made that clear to them. You might want to make a copy of one of your lists and then share that one, so that no one can mess up your original.
This was all implemented in December, so not everyone has it yet. If you'd like to get it asap, just ask for a release.