We're in the process of doing a major overhaul of our EDFacts reports. In the past we had always done them as part of our existing general reporting mechanism, but they were always right on the edge of what that system could support. And they were a maintenance nightmare for us to boot. So Marcy and I have put our heads together and developed a whole new way to approach them that we're pretty happy with. They have their own page in the web app now that looks like this:

Basically you can run any of the five EDFacts reports for any year, and get a list version or a count version that's suitable for submission directly to the EDEN system. I think we've got this deployed into production for Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Georgia at his point. And Marcy's planning to start on Indiana next.
You can play with the demo of the Wisconsin system here.
I know everyone is going to want this, but I think Marcy has a roadmap of how she wants to work through all the states. Still, she probably won't mind hearing from you if you want to volunteer for early conversion.